
Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder

Reports by Henry McKean

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Henry's Christmas Cracker

2 years ago - 98 mins

Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder

"Ireland the most friendly country in Europe, I'm not sure."

2 years ago - 11 mins

Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder

"It takes me an hour and a half to get from Terenure to DCU if the bus shows." Public transport companies face €5m in fines for delays and no shows.

2 years ago - 11 mins

Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder

"I used to get slagged but it got me acknowledgement & I'm now competing in Miss Bikini Ireland." #RedheadAppreciationDay

2 years ago - 8 mins

Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder

Limerick woman meets King Charles at Buckingham Palace to offer her condolences

2 years ago - 7 mins

Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder

"I was conceived at a Garth Brooks concert." #GarthBrooks

2 years ago - 12 mins

Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder

Irish Language Exemptions, Dyslexia community react

Students with learning difficulties will no longer need a formal diagnosis costing 600 euro to seek an exemption from learning Irish, this is the first overhaul of the system in a quarter of a century.  Just under one per cent of primary pupils (5,000) and nine per cent of post-primary pupils (32,000) were exempt from studying Irish. The age related criteria for decisions is changed from 11 years of age to 12 which brings the decision into the final year of primary going into secondary level. The decision will be up to the school principal and no longer an expert and many principals are not happy having the burden of the final say.  To discuss further we are joined by Henry McKean