
Down To Business

Join Bobby Kerr for Ireland's premier business show covering all enterprise-related topics from personal finance to business news. Listen and subscribe to Down To Business on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Download, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App.   You can also listen to Newstalk live on newstalk.com or on Alexa, by and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'

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Executive Chair: Caroline Jackson, owner of Jacksonstone Recruitment

6 days ago - 13 mins

Down To Business

Industry Review: Tribute Bands

6 days ago - 17 mins

Down To Business

What has been the lasting impact of Brexit?

6 days ago - 12 mins

Down To Business

Coach Yourself Confident with Dr Julie Smith

6 days ago - 9 mins

Down To Business

What is DeepSeek & why has it caused such a stir?

6 days ago - 8 mins

Down To Business

Bobby's Business Roundup with Stephen O'Leary & Linda Daly

6 days ago - 22 mins

Down To Business

Industry Review: Physiotherapists

Physios are an integral part of our health system, keeping us fit and strong to help us deal with whatever life throws at us. Whether you’re a stay-at-home type or a fitness fanatic chances are you’ve had to employ the knowledge, care, and expertise of one of them at some point in your life and so for this week’s Industry Review, Bobby thought he’d catch up with three of them to for a bit of an industry health check. Joining Bobby is  Jenny Branigan, Chartered Physiotherapist at Total Physio in Sandyford Margaret Hanlon, Partner at Cityphysio in Lucan & Chairperson of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice Working Group  Eoin Everard, of Everard Physio in Kilkenny Listen and subscribe to Down to Business with Bobby Kerr on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.    Download, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App.     You can also listen to Newstalk live on newstalk.com or on Alexa, by adding the Newstalk skill and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'.