Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder
Reports by Henry McKean
Reports by Henry McKean
2 years ago - 98 mins
Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder
2 years ago - 11 mins
Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder
2 years ago - 11 mins
Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder
2 years ago - 8 mins
Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder
2 years ago - 7 mins
Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder
2 years ago - 12 mins
Henry McKean on the Hard Shoulder
Narconon, a drug rehab facility linked to Scientology could get the go ahead to open in the rural county Meath village of Ballivor. Next week on October 9th Narconon Trust Versus An Bord Pleanala will come before the High Court. An Bord Pleanala is trying to halt the opening of Narconon in a long running legal saga regarding its change of use from a nursing home to a rehab centre. Ireland could get its first ‘Narconon Centre', the Church of Scientology’s drug rehab wing, which was established in 1966 and is based on the teachings of its founder Ron Hubbard. Scientology Hollywood actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta support Narconon, but is an old national school in a small Irish rural community really the most suitable place for a controversial rehab centre? Henry McKean travelled to Ballivor in County Meath and met the locals and spoke to Ex Scientologists.