
The Belly of the Beast

On the 100th anniversary of the death of Michael Collins, this podcast tells the fascinating story of Ned Broy, the double agent who helped Collins change the course of Irish history. The story begins when a Dublin based history teacher named Brendan McCauley learns that he has bought Ned Broy’s original home.  This starts a voyage of discovery concerning Broy and his critical involvement in Irish history.

Latest episodes

Episode 7: The Aftermath

2 years ago - 44 mins

The Belly of the Beast

Episode 6: Into the Lair

2 years ago - 44 mins

The Belly of the Beast

Episode 5: The Consequences

2 years ago - 24 mins

The Belly of the Beast

Episode 4: The Hunt

2 years ago - 27 mins

The Belly of the Beast

Episode 3: Into the Beast

2 years ago - 36 mins

The Belly of the Beast

Episode 2: The Big Fella

2 years ago - 39 mins

The Belly of the Beast

Episode 1: The Spy

7th April 1919, Ned Broy smuggles Michael Collins, the most wanted man in the British empire, into the belly of the imperial beast. Once inside Collins reads his own secret file and glean vital intelligence that would change the course of history and give the Irish the advantage in the fight for freedom.